Philippe Durix

Philippe Durix

Senior Software Engineer

Ruby on Rails React TypeScript Bootstrap AWS Heroku PostgreSQL

With ten years of experience in various startups, I have developed expertise both technically (software development) and operationally (fundraising, growth strategy). Passionate about the challenges posed by high-growth potential companies, I am active and committed to achieving ambitious goals.


  1. Electra

    Improvement of automatic billing tools for Electra's B2B clients.

  2. Monthlee

    Technical support to accompany the growth from 3 to 25 clients. This includes simplifying the technological infrastructure and hosting, creating an administration backend to make the sales team autonomous during client integration, as well as redesigning the payment engine based on Stripe. I also provided assistance in drafting files for BPIFrance.

  3. Agence Producteurs Locaux

    Development of a business-specific web portal to support the increase in the number of clients, from 50 to 500 per year. This involved full-stack development to create an APL business portal for operational teams, as well as a white-label client portal for the large distribution. I also worked on transforming business processes into technological tools and integrated HubSpot into the system.

  4. Pollen AM

    Recruitment and training of the software team to handle web and embedded development. Responsible for creating the interface of the 3D printer.

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